A professional army, disposal of excess ammo: Albania’s goals

Tirana Times
By Tirana Times June 14, 2008 02:00

TIRANA, June 10 – Defense Minister Gazmend Oketa said Monday that turning the Albanian army into a totally professional force by 2010 and ridding the country of excess ammunition were the two main priorities of his ministry.
Oketa made his comments while meeting with U.S. Ambassador to Tirana, John L. Withers, who introduced the new U.S. military attach顩n the country, Martin Perryman, who replaced Lawrence Harrison.
Oketa requested continuing U.S. assistance so his ministry could achieve these goals. Regarding excess ammunition, Albanian authorities hope to reduce the time it takes for their disposal following the March 15 blast that killed 26 and injured 302 persons. (Tirana Times Staff)

Tirana Times
By Tirana Times June 14, 2008 02:00